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About GVSU 2024

Total Students

19,243 undergraduate students

3,026 graduate students

78 different countries represented

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Degrees Offered

101 undergraduate degrees

45 graduate degrees

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Avg. Class Size: 26

1,234 faculty members

1,887 support staff members

93% 正式教职员工中有一半获得了博士学位或其他最终学位

GVSU Athletics Logo
Crayons in the GVSU colors
Blue Black White

94% 应届毕业生的就业或攻读更高的学位.

Learn About ROI

Students participate in research with faculty

500+ 学生们平均每年都会在学生学者日展示研究项目.

Learn about research

96% 学生至少获得了一种类型的经济援助,总额超过2.86亿美元.

Visit Financial Aid

Study Abroad Programs


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Student Organizations

53 service and advocacy organizations

21 fraternities and sororities

25 intramural sports

20 Esports teams - 17 club and 3 premier

Visit Student Life


50 states called home by alumni

114,797 alumni in Michigan


Visit Alumni

Beds On Campus

87% of first-year students live on campus

11 dining locations

5 styles of living centers to choose from

7 theme-specific living-learning centers

View Housing Rates

NCAA Division II

21 varsity sports (11 women's, 10 men's)

38 club sports

29 NCAA Division II National Championships

21 straight years earning first or second in the Directors' Cup

Titles Held at Library

400,000+ physical resources

1,500,000+ e-book titles

100,000+ e-journal titles

300,000+ streaming media files

300+ databases

4 libraries

Visit Library


Academic Year Undergraduate Level1 Michigan Resident Non-Michigan Resident
2024 - 2025

Fall 2024
Winter 2025
Spring/Summer 2025
Lower Division
(0–54 credits earned)
  • $15,140 (per year)
  • $7,570 (for 12-15 credits per semester)
  • $635 每学时1-11学分,每学时超过15学分
  • $21,548 (per year) 
  • $10,774 (for 12-15 credits per semester) 
  • $904 每学时1-11学分,每学时超过15学分
2024 - 2025

Fall 2024
Winter 2025
Spring/Summer 2025
Upper Division2
(55+ credits earned)
  • $15,864 (per year)
  • $7,932 (for 12-15 credits per semester)
  • $667 每学时1-11学分,每学时超过15学分
  • $22,240 (per year)
  • $11,120 (for 12-15 credits per semester)
  • $935 每学时1-11学分,每学时超过15学分
综合研究成人学位完成在线课程(a.k.a. LEADS)3
Graduate Level4

无论是否亲自授课,学费和杂费将按相同的费率收取, online, or through hybrid platforms.


  1. 注册硕士和博士课程的本科生支付本科学费.
  2. 学生在修满第55个学期学分后被列为高年级.
  3. 先前根据理事会章程第2条第2款设定的费率.105. 学生没有基于居住的单独费率. 该课程也被称为LEADS在线成人学生加速学士学位.
  4. 被归类为毕业生的学生支付其研究生课程的所有课程的学费.

Academic Calendar

Two 16 week semesters*

Two 6 week sessions/one 12 week session
Spring 2025 session: May 5, 2025–June 18, 2025
2025年夏季会议:2025年6月23日- 2025年8月5日
2025年春季/夏季会议:2025年5月5日- 2025年8月5日

View our online Academic Calendar.

*一些课程在一个学期有多个开始日期. Please check with your program for a schedule.


  • $289 million in financial aid awarded
  • 在四年或更短时间内毕业的学生中,40%的人没有债务
  • 5252名学生参加实习、合作、实习和学生教学
  • GVSU就业中心列出的94,997个就业和实习机会
  • 1100+ employers participated in career events

Read a list of recent awards and recognitions.


Professional Licensure Exam GVSU Grad Pass Rate National Benchmark
Athletic Training 96% -
Cardiovascular Sonography, Adult Echo 93% -
Cardiovascular Sonography, Pediatric Echo 100% -
Diagnostic Medical Sonography, OB-GYN 95% 75%
Diagnostic Medical Sonography, ARDMS ABD 100% 75%
Education, undergraduate 100% -
Enterprise Resource Planning 100% -
Medical Dosimetry 100% 75%
Nursing (Child and Adolescent DNP) 100% -
Nursing (Adult Gerontology DNP) 94% 84%
Nursing (Clinical Nurse Leader, MSN) 100% 94%
Nursing (NCLEX for RN) 90% 70%
Occupational Therapy 100% -
Physical Therapy 97% -
Police Academy 100% -
Radiation Therapy 94% 75%
Recreational Therapy (undergraduate) 92% -
Social Work (graduate, advanced generalist) 100% -
Speech-Language Pathology 98% 80%


Allendale Campus

Allendale (map)

Allendale, Michigan, is home to Grand Valley's main campus, established in 1960, situated on 1,322 acres 12 miles west of Grand Rapids.

Grand Rapids Pew Campus

Grand Rapids (map)

The 65-acre Robert C. 皮尤校区位于大急流城的中心地带,由多座建筑组成,位于大河西岸,为商业服务, education, engineering, 和其他专业,也是研究生院所在地.

Grand Rapids Health Campus

Grand Rapids (map)

The 14.占地5英亩的健康校园位于大急流城医疗里程的东端. 它由两栋建筑组成,第三栋建筑将于2021年开放.

GVSU Holland Campus

Meijer Campus in Holland (map)

梅杰校区于1998年8月落成,提供晚间课程, accelerated, and hybrid coursework to area students.

GVSU Detroit Center

Detroit Center (map)

底特律中心是密歇根州东南部大学商业的所在地,包括许多活动的空间, 包括GVSU特许学校办公室.

GVSU Muskegon Regional Center

Muskegon Regional Center (map)


GVSU Traverse City Regional Center

Traverse City Regional Center (map)


GVSU Battle Creek Regional Outreach Center

Battle Creek Regional Outreach Center


Take a virtual tour of our campuses.



One of the greenest universities in the nation, according to the Sierra Club

大峡谷的可持续农业项目获得了 Innovative Project Award 由美国州立学院和大学协会主办.

24 LEED-certified projects completed at Grand Valley

Grand Valley has earned gold status since 2013根据高等教育可持续发展促进协会的说法

More than 60 percent of Grand Valley's waste stream is diverted, including compost, e-waste, light bulbs, batteries, paper, cardboard, and metal.

$2.2 million 通过节能工作和LEED建筑项目的结合,每年节省了大峡谷的能源账单.

Learn more about sustainability at Grand Valley.

Economic Impact

$849 million in total estimated impact of faculty, staff, and students in Kent, Ottawa, and Muskegon counties during 2016-2017

$202.8 估计这个地区的学生总花费是一百万

11,970 GVSU在该地区的总就业人数

Endowment and Funding

$352 million general fund budget

$262 million in tuition

$73 million in state appropriations

$168.5 million endowment (as of June 30, 2022)

$25 million 在私人资金方面(捐赠和总体认捐,2022财政年度)

Explore giving opportunities.


Established: 大河谷州立大学于1960年由密歇根州立法机构特许成立,以响应公立大学的需要, 位于该州第二大都会区的四年制大学.

Mission: 在大峡谷州立大学,我们赋予学习者追求、专业和目标的能力. 这所大学通过优秀的教学来丰富社会, active scholarship, advancement of equity, and public service.

Learn more on our strategic positioning page.

President: Philomena V. Mantella

Board of Trustees:

  • Mikyia S. Aaron (vice chair)
  • Randall S. Damstra
  • Elizabeth C. Emmitt (chair)
  • Ronald E. Hall
  • Susan M. Jandernoa
  • Noreen K. Myers
  • Shelley E. Padnos
  • Kate Pew Wolters
  • Philomena V. Mantella (ex officio)
  • Donna K. Brooks (honorary life member)
  • Dorothy A. Johnson (honorary life member)
  • John C. Kennedy (honorary life member)

Accreditation: 博天堂官方大学获高等教育委员会(是美国认可的地区性认证机构.S. Department of Education.

See a list of GVSU's accredited programs.

For More Information

下载一组原始的GVSU统计数据,请访问 Institutional Analysis website.